Monday, 26 October 2015

Christ's Method Alone!

There are many distressed, dejected, and helpless people in the world today, in fact they are in our communities, churches, work places and our very homes. People who feel invalid and hopeless, they and down into despair and probably have lost all hope on recovery. Life is pressing hard on them from every corner, they have no peace, joy nor happiness. Sadly, we give them no treats of faith, hope nor courage for progress in this life. It seems we are telling them "its okay not to exist" or probably "you don't exist in our hearts". They are damaged in all areas of life; physically, mentally, socially, and spiritually. E.G. White wrote in the Ministry of healing "Everywhere there are hearts crying out for something which they have not" 

When Jesus Christ saw the multitude, "... He felt compassion for them, because they were weary and worn out, like sheep without a shepherd." (Mat 9:36 CSB)
"Our Savior was interested in the whole person - physically, mentally, socially, and spiritually" He cared for those who needed his care, he fed the hungry, and gave water to the thirsty. He healed the sick, and uplifted the downcast. He gave hope to the hopeless, comfort the grieved in societies. He did all things possible for the well-being of the people He ministered to in order to uplift their souls to God. He did not relegate their spirituality, but gave them the words of hope and life. He summed it all on the cross at Calvary when he pronounced "it is finish". 

Follow his example
"The world needs today what it needed nineteen hundred years ago - a revelation of Christ.." Our world today, or best put, the people around us need Christ, they must see Christ in us.  E.G. White says "Christ's method alone will give true success in reaching the people" we need therefore to follow His example.

Have the people at heart, care, and love them. Be kind to everyone and support them in your capacity. show them Christ in all your practices, let them be at ease to be with you. If the whole world rises against them, be their friend. Mother Teresa said "if you can't feed a hundred people, then just feed one". In other words, to as you are able.

God bless you! 

source: Adventist Review September 25, 2014

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